Frank was only thirty-four years old when he was appointed
President of the bank.  He had set his goal to reach that
level, but couldn't believe it could happen to him at such
an age.

He was filled with trepidation as he walked into the bank the
first morning, even though he had worked at the same bank
for eight years, working his way up from teller.  He walked
across the polished marble floor straight to Mr. Hatcher's
office, the CEO, who had appointed him as President.

He tapped on the walnut door outside Mr. Hatcher's office
and was bid to enter.  Mr. Hatcher, a crusty old man with
silver hair and piercing blue eyes, pointed to a deeply padded brown leather chair in front of his desk.  Frank sat down and waited for Mr. Hatcher to look back up from the pocket knife he was sharpening on a whetstone.

After what seemed like an eternity, the old man looked up,
wet his thumb and tested the sharpness of the blade and
nodded to Frank. Frank immediately began to speak:  "Mr.
Hatcher, this being my first day as President,... I was... uh,
wondering, Sir,with your many years of experience in banking,
if you could give me some sage advice.  Being President carries
an enormous responsibility."

The old man, who was known to be a man of few words, simply
said: "Right decisions!"

Frank, wanting a little more than this, replied, "I appreciate
that, Sir, but could you be a little more specific? I need your
advice on how to make right decisions."

The old man simply replied: "Experience."

Frank then said, "Yessir, and that's why I'm here, I don't
have that kind of experience.  How do I get it?"

The old man just gave him a half smile and gruffly replied,
"Wrong decisions!"

"You cannot create experience,
you undergo it."